
Wayland Support When

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Describe the new feature

What is it which fvwm3 doesn't do at the moment, but should?

Wayland Support

How might fvwm3 need to change?

Non-technical thoughts about the impact this will have in fvwm3, what
might need to change, and whether this impacts backwards-compatability.

Add Wayland support. Does not affect backwards compatibility.

Can this be achieved through scripting?

Is a proof-of-concept available externally through scripting fvwm3?

Does this functionality exist elsewhere in other WMs, if so, which?

Yes. But they are referred to as compositors rather than WMs.

Hyprland, river, Cagebreak, Cage, Wayfire, dwl, japokwm, newm, niri, Qtile, Polonium, Sway, SwayFX, Vivarium, Enlightenment, Hikari, KWin, Mutter, Liri Shell, labwc, Weston, wio, nwg-shell, kiwmi, phoc

Hi @blacklightpy

Thanks for your detailed and highly considered bug report.

Obviously, adding Wayland support to FVWM should be easy, especially since you've noted that other window managers have been able to do this.

I suspect though, you might not appreciate that it's much harder/impossible for FVWM to support Wayland. It's not just some plugin I can bolt on to FVWM.

Read the following for more details why a Wayland version of FVWM is unlikely:


Oh ok.. I was concerned about nsCDE which relies on FVWM. They said they aren't going Wayland if FVWM isn't.

And here I didn't see any mention of Wayland, so that's why I made an issue. I guess I'll mention it back there.