
Distinguish between source and destination of attack in attacks summary for cities with active honeypots

Opened this issue · 5 comments


when i have honeypots in Prague, and 2 attacks originate from Prague, I see 2 attacks from Czech Republic, but 4 attacks at red dot in Prague

fw42 commented

I can't reproduce this (or don't understand what you mean). The code clearly only counts src events. Can you elaborate?

thanks for pointer. i'll look at the code

i think the problem is before the check if marker.type is "src" here

so if "src" and "dst" is Prague for example, @hits.marker[marker.id()][marker.eventName] is incremented twice when this one attack happens

fw42 commented

Hm yeah I see what you mean. If the src marker and dst marker are at the exact same GPS location, then it will in fact double count. I can't just change the code to only count src events because we WANT to count the dst events too. Not sure what the best way to fix this would be, but I will think about it...

one possible solution is to store (and display) smt. like "dst info", and "src info" in GPS location where sensor is present. I don't know how you'd like that