NumpyEigen Example Project

Example Python Module with NumpyEigen

build workflow


A minimal example project which builds a Python extension with NumpyEigen. The module is called example and consists of two parts:

  1. A C++ module called _example_internal
  2. A Python module called example which imports _example_internal

This structure allows you to wrap your C++ bindings in a Python function to add extra functionality.

Additionally, this project includes tests (See /tests directory) and continuous integration with GitHub actions which builds on Linux/Mac/Windows and can deploy to PyPI.

Modifying this project for your needs

To adapt this project for your own custom module, you need to do the following:

  1. Rename example/ to the name of your module
  2. Edit (See comments on where to edit)
  3. Edit CMakeLists.txt (See comments on where to edit)
  4. Edit tests/ (or delete it if you don't want tests)

Deploying your package to PyPI

This project can convenient deploy your package to PyPI when you release a new version. To enable this, first go to:

Settings > Secrets > Actions

and set the key PYPI_API_TOKEN to the API token for your PyPI account. You can get an API token by going to your PyPY Account Settings and scrolling down to the API tokens section.

Once you've set up an API token, you can deploy a new version of your package by creating a release whose name is of the form vX.Y.Z where X, Y, and Z are numbers.

Important: When creating a release vX.Y.Z, don't forget to update the version in to match!

When you create such a release, Github Actions will build your package and push the new version to PyPI.