
Remote Control Effects

Closed this issue · 6 comments

From @FxSchrauber on April 12, 2018 21:38


When it was still about the presentation in the forum, there was the following idea regarding "Remote Control Effects":

schrauber wrote:
Control Effects: I think the handling is too complicated in practice.
Also some effects contain filter settings with unclear compatibility....

jwrl wrote:
I have a plan B: what about having a separate thread, with a link to it from the effects by category?

schrauber wrote: That would be perfect.

Issue 1:
RC1_Remote_control.fx (maybe it also affects other effects?)?
Unclear compatibility (Is different from the Cg 3.1 Reference Manual)
It works with Windows, Intel HD Graphics 4600
Edit: Solved

Issue 2: Various effects
AddressU = Clamp; AddressV = Clamp;
Possible solutions are known.
Edit: Solved

Issue 3: Various effects
Incompatible with Lightworks 14.5 GPU Precision Settings "16-bit Floating Point".
Suspected cause: Rounding error of the remote controller status value.
Solution: Change Code (use a tolerance range when checking the status value.)
Edit: Solved

Copied from original issue: fx-planet/fxplanet#1

Issue 4: (RC_Lift.fx & RC_Lift_RGB.fx )

I notice now that these effects do something different than the effect name promises.
In fact, these effects change the offset. (Called "Brightness" in the Lightworks "Color Correction" effect).

Edit Regarding Issue 4: Resolved

Regarding Issue 4:
RC_Lift.fx has been replaced by RC_Lift_20180418.fx.
RC_Lift_RGB.fx has been replaced by RC_Lift_RGB_20180421.fx .

All effects from the category "Remote Control Color Grade" have now been moved to the subcategory "Color / Requires remote control".
Adapted effect descriptions, etc.

Regarding Issue 1:

Unfortunately, the texture coordinates of TEXCOORD0, which deviate from a half texel, can not be compensated by the sampler setting MagFilter = PYRAMIDALQUAD (GPU-dependent).
See test

With very complex routing with multiple remote controls, these errors could theoretically add up so that the tolerance will exceed (remote control error).

Regarding Issue 1:
Solved in effect RC1_Remote_control.fx, by reducing two shader passes to just one, etc.
The problem still exists in effect RC3001_Cyclic_Remote.fx

RC3001_Cyclic_Remote.fx rewritten.
