
Adding a "Preferred/Priority Device" option

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This feature was initially proposed by @NullDev; since then, at least 6 other users have voiced similar and/or concurrent requests:
Such an option could allow ranking and/or disabling of audio devices: for example, by saving a list of previously connected devices in the UI, with adjustable ranking positions through dragging and/or buttons, as well as an x/close or trash-can button for disconnected or preferably undetected devices.
The device ranked first, would be categorized as, "Always change Output Device to this device when connected."
It's worth noting that there will be known conflicts between such a "Preferred/Priority Device" option, and the already-existing "Automatically switch to newly connected output device" option located under the General tab of the Settings menu, as well as with the introduction of another popular feature to automatically switch Presets and Playback Devices, initially proposed by @jamesarcher9000 (see #9 ).