Go v1.21 support
Klaus-Tockloth opened this issue · 2 comments
Klaus-Tockloth commented
I use the new slog package coming with go v1.21.
# compile for 'linux' in Docker container
fyne-cross linux \
-pull \
-app-build 1 \
-name ucrc \
-arch amd64 \
-icon ./Icons-2/refresh_116834_blau_512x512_whiteround.png
[i] Target: linux/amd64
[i] Checking for a newer version of the docker image: docker.io/fyneio/fyne-cross-images:linux
[✓] Image is up to date
[i] Cleaning target directories...
[✓] "bin" dir cleaned: /app/fyne-cross/bin/linux-amd64
[✓] "dist" dir cleaned: /app/fyne-cross/dist/linux-amd64
[✓] "temp" dir cleaned: /app/fyne-cross/tmp/linux-amd64
[i] Checking for go.mod: /Users/klaustockloth/go/src/ucrp.vwg/ucrc/go.mod
[✓] go.mod found
[i] Packaging app...
benchmark.go:5:2: package log/slog is not in GOROOT (/usr/local/go/src/log/slog)
note: imported by a module that requires go 1.21
error building application: exit status 1
[✗] could not package the Fyne app: could not package the Fyne app: exit status 1
% fyne-cross version
fyne-cross version v1.4.0
- Is there an ETA for go v1.21 support in fyne-cross?
- Is there any workaround to use fyne-cross with go v1.21?
Jacalz commented
Is there an ETA for go v1.21 support in fyne-cross?
We always wait for at least one point release before upgrading. It needs to be stable before we force everyone onto a new version.
I don’t think there is any workaround but I might be wrong.
Bluebugs commented
As for the workaround, you can modify the Dockerfile of fyne-cross-image and generate the image locally in the mean time.