
AttributeError: module 'ScoreDraft' has no attribute 'jklex_UTAU'

Opened this issue · 10 comments

When I run the script KeLaTest.py, error is happen as list bellow. It seems ScoreDraft has no attribute 'jklex_UTAU'. (My os is win64)

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "KeLaTest.py", line 13, in
doc.sing(seq, ScoreDraft.jklex_UTAU())
AttributeError: module 'ScoreDraft' has no attribute 'jklex_UTAU'

fynv commented

What you need to do here is:

  1. Download the jklex voicebank from http://pan.baidu.com/s/1mi6N6oK
  2. Unzip and put the folder at python_test\UTAUVoice\jklex
    Then there will be ScoreDraft.jklex_UTAU() next time you run the script.
    For copyright issues and compactness, the GitHub repository contains very few wav samples.

Thanks for your prompt reply.

There some error of the Examples. Such as
python uta_test.py

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "uta_test.py", line 14, in
doc.sing(seq, ScoreDraft.uta_UTAU())
AttributeError: module 'ScoreDraft' has no attribute 'uta_UTAU'

python RapTest.py
TypeError: must be real number, not TrackBuffer

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "RapTest.py", line 66, in
doc.sing(seq, ScoreDraft.GePing_UTAU())
File "..\Meteor.py", line 58, in sing
ScoreDraft.MeteorProcessSingingSeq(self.visualizerId, singer, buf, seq, self
.tempo, self.refFreq)
File "", line 104, in MeteorProcessSingingSeq
SystemError: returned a result with an error s

fynv commented
  • "AttributeError: module 'ScoreDraft' has no attribute 'uta_UTAU'"
    The same issue. Here you need the UTAU\voice\uta folder. Copy it to python_test\UTAUVoice\uta
  • About RapTest.py
    First, you need the full GePing voicebank: http://utau.vocalover.com/newgeping.html
    Second, seems some binary modules were broken. I fixed that by the last commit. Please pull or download gain. Sorry for the inconvenience.
fynv commented

Your question reminded me that I should put a link to the voicebank in every example.

When I pu the link in the given folder, it works well.
But for WuYa.py, it misses RockMute(), AlansGuitar(), Bass().


The errors are shown bellow:
_File "WuYa.py", line 59, in
AttributeError: module 'ScoreDraft' has no attribute 'RockMute'

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "WuYa.py", line 60, in
AttributeError: module 'ScoreDraft' has no attribute 'AlansGuitar'

File "WuYa.py", line 61, in
AttributeError: module 'ScoreDraft' has no attribute 'Bass'_

By the way, my OS is win64, and I didn't compile the source code, I just use the pre-deployed binaries.
Do I need to compile the source code myself to make it work normal?

fynv commented

You need to download some instrumental samples (.wav file) and put them into
I grabbed all these samples from https://freewavesamples.com/

fynv commented

Can't remember which one is the AlansGuitar I'm using here. I renamed the file..
It is quite safe to use another Guitar tone as a substitution, just that you will get different sound.

I'm very sorry that there is another problem I run into.

python NaushikaRequiem.py

File "NaushikaRequiem.py", line 17, in
AttributeError: 'Document' object has no attribute 'setReferenceFreqeuncy'

fynv commented

That's a very old typo that affected many files.
setReferenceFreqeuncy=> setReferenceFrequency
I hope this is the only one I forgot to fix..
And, please don't say sorry. I'm the one to say sorry.
Thanks for testing.