
Ultimate Image Browser will not run on Windows 7 64-bit

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Tried to run both Ultimate 32-bit and 64-bit executables on Windows 7 64-bit, but the error messages that are in the attached files were displayed:
Error Messages.txt

I'm sorry, I do not have a Windows 7 machine to test with. The first two errors seem reasonable since you didn't have administrative rights. The last two errors are a complete loss to me. Why wouldn't it find the file?
Anyway, sorry I can't be more help. I don't know much about Windows 7 at all. I went from working with WinXP for years and years straight to Win10, skipping Windows 7, 8, Vista, etc.

Just a thought, could Win7 be case sensitive? You are typing ultimate when you should be typing Ultimate.

I found out that the problem is on my part. The files *ultimate.exe and *ultimate64.exe were actually HTML files, but having the .EXE extensions.
I have just downloaded the actual .EXE files and have run them and they start up smoothly and work out of the box.
My appologies for reporting it as an issue.

no worries at all. I am glad you got it to work.