
[feature] support SNAPSHOT builds

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Creating this issue as mentioned in #40 since I'm also running into it.

java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not find artifact org.apache.apache.resources:apache-jar-resource-bundle:jar:1.5-SNAPSHOT in any repository

Encountered in the course of building https://github.com/apache/druid/tree/druid-0.18.1-rc2 .

We have discussed this briefly over at clj2nix:
hlolli/clj2nix#12 (comment)

Now I see that this project doesn't use fetchMavenArtifact from nixpkgs. But perhaps we could come up with some solution that could be used by both projects. Regarding snapshots, if you publish with uniqueVersion set to false, what happens then? Will it overwrite previous snapshot artifacts when you publish? Or will it still have some incremental thing? I'm thinking if both ways could be supported by the potential attribute snapshot to the fetchMavenArtifact. Perhaps it could be omitted and then it will just look for the non-unique version path.

Thank you for opening the issue.

To understand the SNAPSHOT required parsing the metadata-$repo.xml files as well.
It's quite a large change --

I really want to figure out how to just fork Aether or Maven to support this more easily -- otherwise it's rebuilding quite a large infrastructure.

yzx9 commented

Hello, sorry to bring this up, but is there any news?

Sorry but I'm looking for a maintainer for this project; I can't devote any time to it as of now.