Android蓝牙开发。封装了支持Android蓝牙(经典蓝牙或低功耗蓝牙)扫描,连接,以及通信的库。附带使用例子。It encapsulates a library that supports Android Bluetooth (classic Bluetooth or low-power Bluetooth) scanning, connection and communication. Attached use examples.
- Tommy0724South Korea
- gy2006
- 1MachineElf
- whfay
- CapRobin
- limiao2008
- gooderdanTokyo
- duyuxuanunkown
- ChenYuan516Chengdu
- Zhuyi731
- wosn00
- leon-sxd
- HonnaMeikoNew Jersey
- goodstudyy
- new-panyBeijing
- gitAi123shanghai
- SnowerestMoscow
- madisonterzhejiang,china
- zhourumanLuAn
- chzuliutao杭州
- 20testgit20
- J-W-CAToronto
- Masayuku-Test2Tokyo
- dy072HK,China
- 2436752056beijing,china
- lazytuanziChina
- YuanyuerCaoBeijing, China
- CurryMLNew York
- lildragonzlocalhost
- wozuidiao洛杉矶
- qiajue
- songshijun007
- 7hr0wer127.0.0.1
- lwqjj
- qaz01wsx02zhongguo Guangzhou
- 04zhujunjie