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Apigee OIDC facade UI

This is not an official Google product.
This implementation is not an official Google product, nor is it part of an official Google product. Support is available on a best-effort basis via GitHub.

This repository contains a Web UI to demonstrate OIDC scenario implemented in Apigee GitHub DevRel Identity Facade repository.


1- Deploy Apigee Devrel Identity Facade Apigee Proxy

Deploy the Apigee GitHub DevRel Identity Facade proxy following instructions provided.

Then, You must have identity-facade-v1 proxy deployed in your Apigee organization.

Edit identity-facade-v1 proxy to be able to send ID Token to the client App.
Update OA2-GenerateAccessToken and change line:

<Attribute name="idp.jwt" ref="oidc.flow.jwt" display="false"/>


<Attribute name="idp.jwt" ref="oidc.flow.jwt" display="true"/>

Dependinf on IDP configured, you may not received an Identity Token having name and email variables set. If not, Get Data result will be:

{"fault":{"faultstring":"Invalid JSON path $.name in policy EV-ExtractUserInfo.","detail":{"errorcode":"steps.extractvariables.InvalidJSONPath"}}}

To avoid this error message, edit identity-facade-v1 proxy and update EV-ExtractUserInfo. Add line:


2- Clone & Configure Apigee-OIDC-facade-UI

  • Clone this repository
  • Install dependencies
npm install
  • Copy .env_example to .env.
  • Edit .env file.
    • Replace CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET values by Key and Secret values copied from Apigee Application identityApp (created during Identity Facade deployment, step 1). Examples:
      • Key: xkey-nnnnnnn
      • Secret: xsecret
    • Update ISSUER=https://<APIGEEE_HOSTNAME>/v1/oauth20, replacing <APIGEEE_HOSTNAME> by your Apigee environment hostname
    • Update DATA_URI=https://<APIGEEE_HOSTNAME>/v1/oauth20/protected, replacing <APIGEEE_HOSTNAME> by your Apigee environment hostname (you can also use another proxy URL & path, secured by an OAuthV2 policy, Operation=VerifyAccessToken)

3- Run Apigee-OIDC-facade-UI

Start Apigee-OIDC-facade-UI

node app.js

Open a browser and connect to http://localhost:8082/ et voilĂ  !
