
Link to Documentation is dead

superfine opened this issue · 6 comments

Documentation on http://emailframe.work/ is down :- (

The server at emailframe.work can't be found, because the DNS lookup failed. DNS is the network service that translates a website's name to its Internet address. This error is most often caused by having no connection to the Internet or a misconfigured network. It can also be caused by an unresponsive DNS server or a firewall preventing Google Chrome from accessing the network.

It's online:
2016-04-22 14_17_24-http___emailframe work_ is not available

g13nn commented

I've had reports that some users cannot access the site due to the .work domain name. I will work on getting mirror websites online so that you can all access this. Please bare with me.

Hi, the docs website also mention a PSD which is missing


Included in this framework is a PSD containing all widths and guidelines for designing emails templates with the email framework in mind.

g13nn commented

Hey gnanet,

I'm currently making updates on this framework. The PSD was deleted a few days ago. If you would like the PSD you can grab a copy of it here - https://github.com/g13nn/Email-Framework/tree/7b6b653e09b0033dd8562d28cf78848fc29ca17f/PSD

Thank you.