
iOS default mail not being recognized as a mobile template

Opened this issue · 3 comments

The default iOS mail app is not being recognized as a mobile template. My email works fine in every other app and browser I'm testing. Am I missing something? I am currently testing on an iPhone 7.

I am experiencing the same thing as well. We've used Email-Framework for years, its awesome and has worked across every inbox we've tested on... I think this must be an update by Apple to the iPhone Mail app. I'm doing further testing and investigation.. hopefully I can discover a solution and comment back here.

One thing I used to tweak it was an iOS specific media query. Not ideal but it did the trick.


    @supports (-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch) {


oh neat!

I discovered that our system was stripping the doc type and opening and closing HTML tags during the send process, due to a recent update of our EDM software... Once we fixed it, so it kept the doc type and HTML tags, it all worked again.