
Different colors for different projects

evandro-mota opened this issue · 1 comments

Is it possible to have something like this?
The year overview could still be monochromatic, but when showing specific projects like in week and day overview, it would be nice if they could have different colors. Maybe doing something like below..

"details": [{
    "name": "Project 1",
    "date": "2016-01-01 12:30:45",
    "value": 9192,
    "color": '#ff4500'
g1eb commented

Absolutely! you could easily add this to the week or day overviews.

I'm not sure how much interest there is from others for this feature to be part of the library (and to be honest I don't want to update all versions of the heatmap like react etc). You can fork this repo and customize it for your project though.