
Navigate Buttons Left and Right

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Help please, i need to find the CC# for the buttons left and right for navigate with my controller. Any idea ?

Would the effect focus messages do the trick from here?


C0 1 for focus at effect 1.
C0 2 for focus at effect 2.

I Want mapper The navigate buttons. I have an controller, i need to use two switch for pass effects

Changing the visible effect cannot be done directly with a specific MIDI/Sysex command. The visible/focus effect setting can only be changed in the patch data. The whole updated patch then should be sent back to the pedal so it updates it on the screen.

Assuming that this is needed for switching on/off the individual effects in the chain, this could be done directly with a Sysex: 31 for the given effect slot (for slot 1-3) . However, this would not change which effect is currently visible, nor would toggle the red light on the pedal.

The most practical way to achieve such visibility change using CC commands may be by using separate patches, where each patch has a different visible effect. These patches then can be either sequenced in A-B-C.. bank or triggered via a CC for program change.