
question using swd on raspberry pico

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi g3gg0,

Thank for the work, I have noticed in your video, the flipper's STM32 is recognized. I am able to do the same :).
I recently received a raspberry pico and I have wired flipper's GPIO 10,11 and 12 to respectively SWC, GND and SIO.
However it is not recognized. I am not sure to understand. Is it expected, as it is a different chip ?


g3gg0 commented

please use any of the Ax, Bx, Cx pins, as well as the GND pins

Sorry I am not sure to understand what are the A,B and Cx ports.
I did power the Pico using microUSB and only connected the respective SWD ports.

g3gg0 commented

You have to use flipper's GPIO pins. They are named A7, A6, etc etc.
Use any two GPIO pins and not SWD/SWC