
Demos (and example code) displaying in quarter of window scene

amlwwalker opened this issue · 3 comments

All the demos, and any code I find around here/the web are rendering in bottom left quarter of generated window/scene. Any ideas why?
Whats strange though is the mouse detection is in the correct place

github.com/g3n/engine v0.1.1-0.20210723144827-abef212b4d1

in the following picture, my mouse clicked where im pointing (the screenshot hides the actual mouse)


Hi! Unfortunately I don't have a Mac.
Mac folks might be able to help: @mat007 @SamTov
It would be awesome if we could get scaling working well on Mac.

Could you send me some script to run to see if I can reproduce it?

OK so I have actually reinstalled the libraries and I think it was because I was pulling some code from master and some from the tag as master hadn't been tagged. It seems I cant reproduce this now since 0.0.2

Just going to confirm that, otherwise will close this