
Let users mark strings as "urgent"

Closed this issue · 8 comments

g3rv4 commented

Allow users to mark strings as "urgent", so that translators can focus on those. See the convo on chat.

We have a bunch of strings that don't appear on our international sites. This feature would let regular users mark a string as urgent when they spot it somewhere.

Ideally... they could provide a url!

Steps to enhancement:

  • Migrations

Add class 006 - AddBooleanUrgentToStringsTable: add a boolean field to this table to allow urgent mark (Optional, add another field for the URL)

  • BackEnd


on StringsController add a function to allow a marking a string as urgent (optional, get an url for the string). This will only put true on the string on the database.
When a string is reviewed, set urgent to false (or wait for the pull to set to false).

  • FrontEnd

Add a button on the grid to allow setting a string to Urgent. This could be a button or a checkbox. (checkbox maybe is a better solution).

g3rv4 commented

You'd also need to:

  • Ensure the cache is populated with the field.
  • Update the cache when a field is deemed urgent.
  • Always sort the response so that urgent fields come first.
  • Initially, give any user the ability to make any string urgent, and make any filter non urgent.


  • add an urgent filter to main page
g3rv4 commented

I don't think it needs to be a filter if we always show them first, right?

Ok. no filter them 👍

Pikoh commented

I would give the user the option to filter by urgent. It's not that much work and would be a nice feature.

g3rv4 commented

@Pikoh oh, you do have a point... how would you discover urgent strings that are already translated and don't have a pending suggestion otherwise? (thinking about bad translations)

Pikoh commented

That could happen indeed. And,as i said, it's not that much work :)