
django.conf.urls.url() is deprecated in favor of django.urls.re_path()

Raruto opened this issue · 0 comments


  • I've searched through the existing issues and this bug has never been reported before

Subject of the issue

It's been a while since theese alerts appeared within docker console:

/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/import_export/admin.py:368: RemovedInDjango40Warning:

django.conf.urls.url() is deprecated in favor of django.urls.re_path().

/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/import_export/admin.py:93: RemovedInDjango40Warning:

django.conf.urls.url() is deprecated in favor of django.urls.re_path().

/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/import_export/admin.py:96: RemovedInDjango40Warning:

django.conf.urls.url() is deprecated in favor of django.urls.re_path().

/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/rest_framework/routers.py:268: RemovedInDjango40Warning:

django.conf.urls.url() is deprecated in favor of django.urls.re_path().

/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/rest_framework/routers.py:343: RemovedInDjango40Warning:

django.conf.urls.url() is deprecated in favor of django.urls.re_path().

/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/rest_framework/urlpatterns.py:76: RemovedInDjango40Warning:

django.conf.urls.url() is deprecated in favor of django.urls.re_path().

You will probably need to update some other external dependencies.

Steps to reproduce

NB: I haven't tested on a clean docker install, so maybe it's just my local environment that needs updating (so pip I don't know..)

  1. start a docker v3.8 container
  2. check the logs



  • g3w-admin: 3.8.customer_theme-20240424065600
  • g3w-client: 3.10.0-alpha.2
    • editing: 3.8.0-fix_vector_relations
    • qplotly: 3.7.0
    • openrouteservice: 3.7.0
    • qtimeseries: 3.7.0
  • browser: Firefox 125.0
  • operating system: Windows 11 64-bit

Link to your project

No response

Additional info

pip list
Package                       Version                       Editable project location
----------------------------- ----------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
amqp                          2.6.1
annotated-types               0.6.0
appdirs                       1.4.4
asgiref                       3.7.2
async-timeout                 4.0.2
attrs                         21.2.0
Babel                         2.8.0
backports.tarfile             1.1.0
beautifulsoup4                4.10.0
beniget                       0.4.1
bleach                        5.0.1
Brotli                        1.0.9
build                         1.2.1
bx-py-utils                   36
cdu                           0.1.dev285+gfe237c2.d20240422 /shared-volume/plugins/g3w-admin-cdu
celery                        4.4.7
certifi                       2020.6.20
cffi                          1.16.0
chardet                       4.0.0
confusable-homoglyphs         3.2.0
coverage                      7.2.3
cryptography                  3.4.8
cycler                        0.11.0
dbus-python                   1.2.18
decorator                     4.4.2
defusedxml                    0.7.1
deprecation                   2.1.0
diff-match-patch              20200713
Django                        3.2.25
django-ajax-selects           2.2.0
django-autoslug               1.9.6
django-bleach                 3.1.0
django-cors-headers           3.11.0
django-crispy-forms           1.8.1
django-downloadview           1.9
django-extensions             3.1.5
django-file-form              3.5.2
django-filter                 21.1
django-formtools              2.2
django-guardian               2.2.0
django-huey-monitor           0.3.0
django-import-export          2.0.2
django-js-asset               2.0.0
django-model-utils            4.0.0
django-modeltranslation       0.17.5
django-mptt                   0.13.4
django-multiselectfield       0.1.12
django-ordered-model          3.3.0
django-recaptcha              3.0.0
django-redis                  5.2.0
django-registration           3.4
django-sitetree               1.17.2
djangorestframework           3.11.2
djangorestframework-gis       0.15
djangorestframework-simplejwt 5.2.2
docutils                      0.21.1
drf-spectacular               0.25.1
et-xmlfile                    1.1.0
fonttools                     4.29.1
fs                            2.4.12
future                        0.18.2
g3w-admin-authjwt             0.0.3.dev1+g35077a4           /shared-volume/plugins/g3w-admin-authjwt
g3w-admin-sentry-monitor      0.0.1                         /shared-volume/plugins/g3w-admin-sentry-monitor
gast                          0.5.2
GDAL                          3.4.1
Genshi                        0.7.7
greenlet                      3.0.3
gunicorn                      20.1.0
html5lib                      1.1
httplib2                      0.20.2
huey                          2.4.3
idna                          3.3
importlib_metadata            7.1.0
inflection                    0.5.1
ipython_genutils              0.2.0
jaraco.classes                3.4.0
jaraco.context                5.3.0
jaraco.functools              4.0.1
jeepney                       0.8.0
Jinja2                        3.0.3
jsonschema                    3.2.0
jupyter-core                  4.9.1
keyring                       25.1.0
kiwisolver                    1.3.2
kombu                         4.6.11
lxml                          4.8.0
lz4                           3.1.3+dfsg
markdown-it-py                3.0.0
MarkupPy                      1.14
MarkupSafe                    2.1.2
matplotlib                    3.5.1
mdurl                         0.1.2
ModestMaps                    1.4.7
more-itertools                8.10.0
mpmath                        0.0.0
nbformat                      5.1.3
nh3                           0.2.17
numpy                         1.21.5
odfpy                         1.4.1
olefile                       0.46
openpyxl                      3.1.2
OWSLib                        0.25.0
packaging                     21.3
pathlib                       1.0.1
pathlib2                      2.3.7.post1
pbr                           5.8.0
Pillow                        9.0.1
pip                           24.0
pkginfo                       1.10.0
playwright                    1.12.1
plotly                        5.8.0
ply                           3.11
portal                        4.0.1                         /shared-volume/plugins/g3w-admin-portal
psycopg2                      2.9.2
psycopg2-binary               2.9.6
py3o.template                 0.10.0
pycparser                     2.21
pydantic                      2.6.3
pydantic_core                 2.16.3
pyee                          11.1.0
Pygments                      2.17.2
PyGObject                     3.42.1
pyjon.utils                   0.7
PyJWT                         2.8.0
pyparsing                     2.4.7
pyproj                        3.3.0
pyproject_hooks               1.0.0
PyQt5                         5.15.6
PyQt5-sip                     12.9.1
pyrsistent                    0.18.1
python-dateutil               2.8.1
python-magic                  0.4.27
python-memcached-stats        0.1
python-stdnum                 1.18
python3-memcached             1.51
pythran                       0.10.0
pytz                          2022.1
PyYAML                        5.4.1
qprocessing                   1.2.1b0                       /shared-volume/plugins/g3w-admin-processing
qps-timeseries                0.1.dev34+gd38834a.d20231219  /shared-volume/plugins/g3w-admin-ps-timeseries
QScintilla                    2.11.6
readme_renderer               43.0
redis                         4.5.4
requests                      2.25.1
requests-toolbelt             1.0.0
rfc3986                       2.0.0
rich                          13.7.1
scipy                         1.8.0
SecretStorage                 3.3.3
sentry-sdk                    1.39.1
setuptools                    59.6.0
simplejson                    3.19.1
six                           1.16.0
soupsieve                     2.3.1
sqlparse                      0.4.3
sympy                         1.9
tablib                        0.14.0
tenacity                      6.3.1
TileStache                    1.51.14
tinycss2                      1.1.1
tomli                         2.0.1
traitlets                     5.1.1
twine                         5.0.0
typing_extensions             4.9.0
ufoLib2                       0.13.1
unicodedata2                  14.0.0
uritemplate                   4.1.1
urllib3                       2.1.0
vine                          1.3.0
webencodings                  0.5.1
websockets                    12.0
Werkzeug                      2.2.3
wheel                         0.37.1
xlrd                          2.0.1
xlwt                          1.3.0
zipp                          1.0.0
WARNING: Ignoring invalid distribution -jango (/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages)