Minimum requirements of wxwidgets
DL4OCH opened this issue · 3 comments
As I am using a Raspberry with Debian Stretch,
is it possible to list the required libraries and tools to compile ircDDBGateway?
Almost everything compiles fine with
installed. But GUI.common creates errors which aborts the entire process.
Also a no-gui Makefile would make life much easier.
Thanks in advance for investigating,
Wilm, DL4OCH
I think you should be able to do:
$ make ircDDBGateway/ircddbgatewayd
Which should just build the non-GUI gateway without anything else, particularly the config program which always uses a GUI.
Works ! Thanks Jonathan.
Is there a way to compile a -no-gui version of timeserverd as well ?
I'll steal the config-files from an older version and will see, if all works
As it didn't did, what I've expected i've compiled it for Raspberry Pi 3 without any problems and without wxwidgets to be compiles from scratch.
I've just installed GTK 3.0 with 'apt-get install gtk3.0'
After approx. 30 minutes the entire package has been compiled without any error.