APRS confusion (question)
joshproehl opened this issue · 0 comments
Still trying to get our new club repeater set up correctly and we've run into some problems with APRS. The gateway doesn't seem to be broadcasting its position to APRS, nor propagating anything from DStar radios over to APRS.
While trying to debug this I've found some inconsistencies and questions:
The empty config file uses the key "aprsHostname", while the GUI config app seems to use "aprsAddress". Which is the correct key to use? (It looks to me like it's aprsAddress, and that the empty example config file simply needs to be updated?)
The empty config file contains the key "aprsPassword", however the GUI config app does not have this field. Is this field required? If so, is the password the code generated using one of the APRS-IS password generators, and what is the callsign being used? {gatewayCallsign}-G? Is ircddbgateway generating the passcode from the well-known algorithm on its own?
Is there any requirement to run any of the other compiled applications, aprstransmitd for example, for this to work, or is simply enabling it in the config sufficient?
I will be happy to submit a PR with documentation and example-config updates based on the answers here, however any changes to the GUI code would be a bit of a stretch and may be better done by someone more experienced with that code.