go generate panics (only have package main though)
schleicherse opened this issue · 2 comments
schleicherse commented
Hi, I really like the idea of auto-generating documentation, so thanks for creating this project!
However, I cannot generate the documentation, as go generate panics.
I am using caarlos0/env.
I have a few .go files, but for simplicity, all are in package main.
This is config.go:
package main
import (
const (
//Environment values, used for logger configuration
EnvironmentProduction = "production"
// Error messages
var (
ErrNoRowsFound = errors.New("no rows found")
//go:generate envdoc -output environments.md
type appconfig struct {
// Port the application will listen on inside the container
Port int `env:"PORT" envDefault:"8080"`
// some more stuff I omitted here
func (c *appconfig) ParseEnvVariablesIntoConfigStruct() error {
if err := env.Parse(c); err != nil {
return err
return nil
I get this error:
panic: expected type node root child, got nodeField ()
When I uncomment the method at the end, I at least get no errors, and the environments.md file is generated, but only contains
# Environment Variables
, nothing else.
go version is 1.22.2
g4s8 commented
Thanks for reporting! I'll investigate this issue
g4s8 commented
@schleicherse this should be fixed in v0.2.3 version.