
Proposed change to // falsy section.

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Due to my confusion on issue #19, I'm proposing a change to the formatting of this section. I completely understand what @gaand was going for when he wrote it, but think there might be a better way to present this information to developers. Here is my suggestion, though of course I am open to something else.

The falsy list (everything else in JavaScript is truthy),

  • false
  • undefined
  • null
  • 0 and -0
  • NaN
  • '' and "" aka the empty string

I'm ok with this.

gaand commented

Is it clear (to the consultant so they can make clear to the developers) that

"" === ''
// => true
// and
0 === -0
// => true


If you both think the and above captures that for whomever might deliver this material, then I'm okay with it as well.

I think it's clear that "" === '' and 0 === -0, but it's worth explicitly mentioning. Feel free to add a note if you'd like! I think that's a different issue, but I agree it's a good talking point. To the original point, I think using the github formatting resolves the confusion I had while reading it.

Can be closed with #24 - fixed in latest merge from 013/master branch into master.

@laurenfazah this wasn't actually resolved IMO. Please see my comment above for formatting. It's more an issue of formatting than anything. The 0 //and -0 is confusing to devs.

I asked @payne-chris-r to re-open this. It was confusing to our developers in 014. I think, if we want to show comments as part of this lesson, we should do it in a separate section.

Also, to me, these heuristics make sense:

  1. If you're in a fenced code block, // and /* */ make sense, with // preferred.
  2. If you're in an inline code snippet, prefer to use English outside the code snippet and code inside. That is, no comments in inline code snippets.


0 // and -0

// OR

0 /* and -0 */

OK: 0 and -0

NOT OK: 0 // and -0