
Checkpoint 5 feedback

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jsm13 commented

Part 1 (Initial Setup)

  1. Run the command to generate a new Rails application called todo_app.
  2. Create your database.
  3. Define a Todo model and create a corresponding migration. It should have two attributes: content (string) and is_completed (boolean).
  4. Generate your schema.
  5. Create two Todo instances in your seed file. Run your seed file.
    Be careful about types; is_completed needs to be boolean and the seeds use string "No"
  6. Run your Rails server to see your application in the browser.

Part 2 (Error Driven Development)

  1. Set up routes for index, show and new.
    ๐Ÿ‘ using resources works here but make sure you know the syntax for declaring individual routes
  2. Implement controller actions and views for the index, show and new features.
    Make sure resource controllers have plural names (todos_controller.rb rather than todo_controller.rb). Also make sure to keep in mind the differences between new and create actions. The new action takes care of rendering the form for creating an entity (handles the GET /todos/new route) rather than doing the actual creation (the POST /todos route)