
Preset didn't include "transform-es2015-destructuring" when required

abritinthebay opened this issue · 4 comments

I'm running Node v6.9.1 and my code wouldn't transform without this plugin being added additionally to latest-minimal.

Thoughts? Could be something odd on my end but I don't know what.

This is odd as transform-es2015-destructuring is inlcuded in both latest and latest-minimal.

Can you please share your working config, non-working config and the error trace? I will try to help.

All I have (in package.json) is this babel setup:

 "babel": {
    "ignore": [
    "presets": [
    "plugins": [

The error was just a standard "unexpected token" message.

This is odd given node 6.9.1 supports destructuring out of the box. Adding ´transform-es2015-destructuring´ should not be necessary at all.

Can you please share the piece of code that was breaking and led you to add that plugin?

After some investigation over the weekend I think it's a webpack munging issue. Not sure why, but the code works if I run it with the babel cli rather than through webpack.

Going to close this out as it's not directly related to this project.

I agree though - it's quite strange.