

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I've been using this program for over a year now and it has been great. Unfortunately as I added entries and as time went on I noticed significant lag compared to how fluid it was before. I guess it just needs to be optimized? Just wanted to let you know.


Hi @Coco-Jambo thanks for your report. Could you please provide more details, e.g. how many entries do you have, which java version and operating system do you use? How many data do you store in an entry (i.e. only username/password or notes too), size of the jpass file etc.

Sure thing.

OS: Windows 10
Nb Entries: 22
Java version: Java 8 update 351 (build 1.8.0_351-b10)
I store the username url and passwords, the jpass file is 2kb

I hope that info is useful ty

Thanks, I've more number of data/entries without any issues, however I'm on Win11 with Java 17. Tried with Java 8 as well, I could not replicate the issue. Based on that is seems it is unrelated to number of entries. More investigation is needed.

@Coco-Jambo if you have time could you please take a look at the latest release if it resolves your issue?

I could not repro the issue you mentioned, but I've updated some of the app dependencies (with many fixes and improvements) which might responsible for UI glitches.