
Open Sound Control record to file (oscrec) / playback from file (oscplay)

Primary LanguageCzlib LicenseZlib


The 'oscfile' project consists of two command line programs: 'oscrec' and 'oscplay'. As their names suggest, they record and playback Open Sound Control messages to and from files.

command line usage

record messages from local port 3333 to file dump.osc

oscrec -i osc://localhost:3333 -o dump.osc

record messages from local port 3333, compress them with xz and store them in file dump.osc.xz

oscrec -i osc://localhost:3333 -o - | xz - > dump.osc.xz

playback messages stored in dump.osc to port 5555 on host via tcp

oscplay -i dump.osc -o osc.tcp://

playback xz compressed messages stored in dump.osc.xz to port 5555 on host via tcp

xzcat dump.osc.xz | oscplay -i - -o osc.tcp://

playback messages stored in dump.osc to local port 4444 with a delay of 3.1415926 seconds

oscplay -d 3.1415926 -i dump.osc -o osc.udp://localhost:4444