
Graphical differentiation between kinds of edges

Closed this issue · 1 comments

When selecting a node, all the edges are highlighted equally, but some edges might be different than others:

  • There's inbound edges, which means, files that depend on the highlighted node
  • There's outbound edges, for files in which the highlighted node depends on
  • There's cycle edges, which are dependencies that introduce a dependency cycle

It would be nice to give the option to differentiate those somehow

The edges are actually highlighted differently. There's a particle effect where small dots flow either:

  • from the selected node to the outer nodes (outbound edge)
  • from the outer nodes to the selected node (inbound edge)

I played around with rendering edges that introduce cycles in red, but it makes the visualization more confusing, as the rules to determine which edge introduced the cycle are relatively arbitrary.

It also greatly depends on the language. For example, Go or Rust is going to be full of cycles just because of how the languages are made, whether JS tends to introduce less cycles.

I don't think this should change right now, maybe in the future