
Improve `strike` command response

Closed this issue · 0 comments


The current strike command response doesn't cover all behaviors and need improvement.


I suggest the following improvements:

  • Warn when no users were provided
  • Warn when caller isn't the one with the highest role compared to target users
  • Don't show punished users response line when not needed
  • Don't show not punished users response line when not needed
  • Show strike reason
  • Add emojis


Users argument

  • users must not be empty


  • Show warn message and return Ok(()) when user_ids is empty
  • Show warn message and return Ok(()) when any target user's highest role is higher than yours
  • Don't show punished users response line when punished_users is empty
  • Don't show not punished users response line when not_punished_users is empty
  • Don't show strike reason response line when reason is empty