
spaCy is not mentioned in the Pre-requsities, but step 9 assumes that it is one.

ypuzikov opened this issue · 6 comments

spaCy is not mentioned in the Pre-requsities, but step 9 assumes that it is one.

It says:

spaCy with English models

However, the command is given only for loading models.

Right, I meant to run that after the user installs spaCy, I tried clarifying that by writing "after spaCy is installed".
I don't want to give instructions on how to install each of these, just to provide a way to download the models after you have the package installed.
Do you think that this could be made clearer somehow?

I found the installation instructions on the spacy site super easy to follow

So you think we can drop that additional line about downloading the English model?

Yes, I think so. Or put them together:

pip install spacy
python -m spacy download en