
Sensor Management API: A Fastify-based RESTful API for managing sensor data, integrating Prisma for database operations and Zod for schema validation

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Sensor Management API

This project provides a RESTful API for managing sensor data using Fastify, a web framework for Node.js. It integrates with Prisma for database operations and Zod for schema validation. The API supports CRUD operations for sensors, including fetching all sensors, retrieving a specific sensor by ID, creating a new sensor, and updating an existing sensor's status.


  • CRUD Operations: Full support for Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations on sensor data.
  • Validation: Utilizes Zod for input validation to ensure data integrity.
  • Database Integration: Uses Prisma to interact with the database, providing a type-safe API for database operations.
  • Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS): Enabled via Fastify's CORS plugin to allow cross-origin requests.


  1. Install Dependencies: Run npm install to install all required dependencies.
  2. Environment Configuration: Ensure .env file is configured with the correct PORT.
  3. Database Setup: Initialize and configure your database connection in ./config/db.js.
  4. Run the Server: Execute node index.js to start the server.


GET /sensors

  • Description: Fetches all sensor records.
  • Response: An array of sensor objects.

GET /sensors/:sensor

  • Description: Retrieves a specific sensor by its ID.
  • Parameters: sensor - The unique identifier of the sensor.
  • Response: A single sensor object or a 404 error if not found.

POST /sensors

  • Description: Creates a new sensor record.
  • Body: A JSON object containing name, sensor, status, latitude, and longitude.
  • Response: The newly created sensor object or a 409 error if the sensor already exists.

PUT /sensors/:sensor

  • Description: Updates the status of a specific sensor.
  • Parameters: sensor - The unique identifier of the sensor.
  • Body: A JSON object containing the new status.
  • Response: The updated sensor object or a 404 error if not found.


Contributions to improve the API's functionality, reliability, or user experience are welcome. Please submit pull requests or open issues on the project repository.