An UnboundLocalError is thrown when a Feature uses both a Background: and Scenario Outline
markforster opened this issue · 0 comments
markforster commented
The following example throws the exception:
Feature: Prompt to Signup
Given background for story HUBPHE-22
And I am in viewing on desktop
And I am a new Customer
Scenario Outline: Signed up
When I am on the products landing area
And I see and take the action to signup as a <customer_type>
Then I should be taken to the signup page
| customer_type |
| Contractor |
| Client |
Note that If I move the background into the Scenario Outline it works fine. This also worked when I had 2 separated scenarios i.e. before I combined both into a scenario outline.
Just wanted to be clear also.. by saying move the background into the scenario outline I mean each step like so :
Feature: Prompt to Signup
Scenario Outline: Signed up
Given background for story HUBPHE-22
And I am in viewing on desktop
And I am a new Customer
When I am on the products landing area
And I see and take the action to signup as a <customer_type>
Then I should be taken to the signup page
| customer_type |
| Contractor |
| Client |
Edit :
Guessing its indirectly related (or possibly) to the work that is planned here #428 so guessing that maybe currently background is not supported with Scenario Outlines?