Feature: Rockstar: In "Export Group Members (custom)" include how the user is "Managed" in the group
seanorama opened this issue · 4 comments
In Okta, the Group member list has a column titled "Managed" which will contain:
Manually managed
: When the user was manually added to the groupManaged by MyOktaRule
: When the membership is managed by an Okta rule.
It would be useful to get this as a field in the "Export Group Members (custom)" function.
For example, when you need to audit/reconcile the manual users. Or find a common pattern for the manual users, in order to improve the Okta rule.
It would be, but it's not available via the public API.
It would be, but it's not available via the public API.
Wow. Okta strikes again. 😭
Thanks for the quick reply.
not available via the public API
but it is available via a private API.
EDIT: see code in next comment
the code above stopped working because the private Okta API changed.
here's an updated version that uses my console: https://gabrielsroka.github.io/console
it also paginates and exports to csv
// List group members using https://gabrielsroka.github.io/console
members = []
limit = 200
start = 0
sColumns = 'user.id,user.fullName,user.login,status.statusLabel,managedBy.rules'
keys = sColumns.split(',')
do {
url = '/admin/users/search?' + new URLSearchParams({groupId: id, iDisplayStart: start, iDisplayLength: limit,
iColumns: 6, sColumns, orderBy: 'membershipId',
enableSQLQueryGenerator: true, enableESUserLookup: true, sortDirection: 'desc', sSearch: ''})
page = await getJson(url)
page.aaData.forEach(row => {
member = {}
keys.forEach((key, col) => {
val = row[col]
member[key] = typeof val == 'object' ? Object.entries(val).join() : val
start += limit
results.innerHTML = members.length + ' members'
if (cancel) break
} while (members.length < page.iTotalRecords)
results.innerHTML += '<br><button id=exportCSV>Export CSV</button>'
exportCSV.onclick = () => downloadCSV(csv(members), 'members')