
A utility library for performing amplitude analysis on particle physics data.

Primary LanguageC++

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AmpTools is library to facilitate performing unbinned maximum likelihood
fits of experimental data to a coherent sum of amplitudes.  For
additional documentation refer to the AmpTools_User_Guide.pdf file
distributed with this code.

Three modules are included with the distribution and individual README files,
are contained within each module.  These README files should be
referenced for details about various releases.

AmpTools:  This is the main AmpTools library.  Once compiled it includes
no executable code, but provides functionality and an interface that the
user can utilize to perform analyses.

Tutorials:  This contains a couple of examples of how to utilize the AmpTools
library.  We try to keep these up to date as AmpTools develops.  It is
recommended that user explore the Dalitz tutorial.

AmpPlotter:  This is an optional package that provides a GUI interface
for viewing the projections of a fit.  It enables visualization of the
contributions of various amplitudes to the fit.