
A precise introduction to fully connected deep neural networks and convolutional neural networks

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



An introduction to fully connected deep neural networks (DNN) and convolutional neural networks (CNN) in which their mathematical underpinning is explained. Machine learning (ML) models are mathematical functions that happen to be much more complicated than the ones typically found in textbooks for scientists and engineers. The exponential growth in ML-based applications is due, in part, to four breakthroughs. The first is the current ability to fit enormously complicated functions to data, something that was technologically impossible at the start of the century. The second is the ability to use huge data sets for fitting these models. The third is the discovery that these complicated functions can mimic behavior associated with intelligence and last but not least is the invention by machine learning researchers of highly expressive models and very effective fitting methods.

Much of the work in the machine learning community has indeed been, and continues to be, extremely creative. But, all too often, when described, machine learning models come across as mysterious and inscrutable. In part this is because of the highly suggestive jargon that permeates the machine learning field. For example, the word "learning" is misleading. Learning, as ordinarily understood, implies understanding. But can it really be said that a mathematical function understands? The answer, at the very least, is unclear.

This tutorial comprises several jupyter notebooks (see below) that should work with Python 2.7.x with x > 9 as well as Python 3.6.7.

Dependencies and Installation

The jupyter notebooks in this package depend on a few well-known Python packages:

modules description
pandas data table manipulation, often with data loaded from csv files
numpy array manipulation and numerical analysis
matplotlib a widely used plotting module for producing high quality plots
pylab embedded within matplotlib and provides Matlab-like features
scikit-learn easy to use machine learning toolkit
pytorch a powerful, flexible, machine learning toolkit

Also recommended are

modules description
scipy scientific computing
sympy an excellent symbolic algebra module

The simplest way to install these packages is first to install miniconda (a slim version of Anaconda) on your laptop by following the instructions at:


I recommend installing miniconda3, which comes pre-packaged with Python 3.

Software release systems such as Anaconda (conda for short) make it possible to have several separate self-consistent named environments on a single machine, say your laptop. For example, you may need to use Python 2.7.14 sometimes and Python 3.6.7 at other times. If you install software without using environments there is the very real danger that the software on your laptop will become inconsistent. Anaconda (and its lightweight companion miniconda) provide a way, for example, to create a software environment consistent with Python 2.7.14 and another that is consistent with Python 3.6.7.

After installing miniconda3, It is a good idea to update conda using the command

conda update conda

Assuming conda is properly installed and initialized on your laptop, you can create an environment, here we call it python3, containing a large subset of the packages in the conda system using the command

conda create -n python3 anaconda

Before pressing y to continue with the installation, scan through the list of packages and identify which of the above are in the list. That way, you will know which ones are missing and need to be installed using the conda install command. For example, as of this writing neither pytorch nor the CERN ROOT package are available by default. In order to install these packages, first be sure to choose in which conda environment they are to be installed. First activate the desired environment, by doing, for example,

conda activate python3

Then to install pytorch do

conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch

and to install ROOT do

conda install root -c conda-forge

You may also wish to install the rather impressive 3D animation package vpython,

conda install vpython -c vpython

Finally, if you plan to do C++ development, you should install the gcc_ suite of compiler tools using

conda install gcc

Note, all the above packages should be installed into a given environment, which here we have called python3.

If all goes well, you will have installed a rather complete set of amazing high quality absolutely free software packages on your system that are consistent with Python 3.6.7.

For some quick help on conda see


If you still prefer to do everything by hand, follow the instructions at




1. Download

It is a good idea to organize your computer-based projects in a systematic way. For example, in your home directory (usually the area identified by the environment variable $HOME), you may wish to create a directory (i.e., folder) called Projects and create within it a sub-directory called Tutorials as follows

mkdir -p Projects/Tutorials

In a terminal window dedicated to running the jupyter notebook, do

cd Projects
jupyter notebook

This will run the notebook in your browser and block the terminal window, which you can iconize.

In another terminal window, go to your Tutorials sub-directory

cd Projects/Tutorials

and execute the command

git clone https://github.com/hbprosper/BariML

This should download the package BariML to your current directory.

2. Unpack MNIST data set

NOTE: Some of the tutorials use data from the MNIST website, reformatted in a way that is quicker to load. In order to create the reformatted MNIST files, go to the jupyter Home tab in your browser and navigate to BariML/datasets. There you will find the notebook prepare_mnist_data.ipynb. Click on this filename to activate this notebook and run it to completion. This will create two files mnist_train.pkl and mnist_test.pkl that are needed by the notebooks.

You can find help on running notebooks here


3. Notebooks

The notebooks provide detailed background information and explanations and are well-commented.

notebooks description
datasets/prepare_mnist_data.ipynb Create files mnist_train.pkl and mnist_test.pkl
roofit/roofit_example.ipynb Use RooFit (needs ROOT from CERN) to fit cosmological models to Type 1a supernova data
sklearn/scikit-learn_exercise_0.ipynb Fit a purely empirical model (a neural network) to Type 1a supernova data
sklearn/scikit-learn_exercise_1.ipynb Regression (wine quality estimation) using a neural network model
sklearn/scikit-learn_exercise_2.ipynb Classification of MNIST data using a deep neural network model
pytorch/pytorch_exercise_1.ipynb Classification of MNIST data using a shallow neural network model
pytorch/pytorch_exercise_2.ipynb Classification of MNIST data using a convolution neural network model