
EwE / RPath support

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Rpath is avaliable:

> devtools::install_github('slucey/RpathDev/Rpath', build_vignettes = TRUE)
> vignette('Rpath', package = 'Rpath')
> vignette('Rsim', package = 'Rsim')

Erla says:

The biomass is the total biomass t/km2 (which would come from stock assessment models like gadget), not the catch. So that is the biomass the year you start the model and the catch would be the catch biomass in t/km2 a year.

The production /consumption is the total mortality (Z) and consist of natural and fishing mortality. The fishing mortality can be calculated from the catch and biomass but the natural mortality is harder to obtain but is often set to 0.2 so yes a little it like finger in the air.

The fleet columns are the biomass caught of each species by each fleet so that can at least be taken from data.

And finally, yes the diet data (proportions) can be calculated from the stomach content data.

This has been updated, and with some validation ready to include into MFDB 5.x

Merged into 5.x