
Freeze on import

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hi, tried using this plugin in MODX 2.6.0 and when I tried importing a small file (10 users) in the format specified, it just hangs and nothing happens (the Console running... message shows up but nothing happens after that). I doubled checked the db and nothing seems to have been imported.

Any relevant entries in MODX error log?
Which plugins do you have installed?

I can't reproduce this on a 2.6 install. Works as expected.

I checked the error log and there is nothing there.
This is the only plugin I have installed since it is new MODX install. MODX is currently installed in a sub folder (/modx) if that is of significance.

Server version?
PHP version?
MySQL version?
Is it possible that you send me the CSV file you tried to import?

Turns out it was an old PHP version that the host was using. I had them upgrade to the most recent and that fixed everything. Thanks very much for your help!

Thanks for reporting back!