The files from the United States government on 9/11, released by wiki leaks.
- belonky
- usayamadxTokyo, Japan
- 333van
- thedewilFrance
- ephraimdNigeria
- ukashasohail
- smodnix
- johnpauladaMakati City, Philippines
- MiratPH
- pedrocardoz0undefined
- mrblnGothenburg
- anitai48
- achillesrasquinhaMars
- ElifCodingAccra,Ghana
- rafagarciacMadrid
- josgaspro
- kd5ziy
- ivanmoreau/dev/méxico
- kevinsegalLos Angeles, CA
- olutunde
- heholek
- Morphark
- arpwnMexico
- kubilaAnkara, TR
- akashpayneSRONew Zealand
- chuckrinconMéxico | US
- WitherOrNotthe sunken place
- ottobit
- Technetium1USA
- neosarchizoSeoul, South Korea
- pacificandreascc
- SomethingGeneric30°03'13.7"N 98°21'35.0"W
- Benjozork
- damianestebanNew York, NY U.S.A.
- digidof
- shunkakinokishunkakinoki.eth