
This repo uses Kalamine and github actions to produce version-controlled layouts for my use cases.


This is my own experiment at making a good French/English layout, using a dead key for the common accented characters, and that can hold within a smaller amount of keys than the layouts that use éàèêç on the base layer. It tries to take inspiration from Optimot, Colemak, and Ergol approaches to make something decent.


  • Put generated layouts in repo so I can patch them directly
  • Don't use qwerty location when Ctrl/System is active
  • Make an angle-mod version of the layouts
  • Patch kalamine to allow
    • Defining our own dead key layers like the predefined ones
    • Having dead keys behind other dead-keys
      • MacOS: use the <next = ...> config in the action field
      • Windows:
      • Linux: