
TimeZone - Proper Date based on TimeZone

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Since im in Europe based with +2 Timezone i was thinking about the dates we get back from the API. We do have WT and DT. DT comes with the proper timezone, WT not. Just to understand, what date should be used?

"Date(1696877837620)" -> WT (2h missing)
"Date(1696877837620+0200)" -> DT (in my case the correct one)

We get the DT timezone from the API, just thinking about this, is Dexcom checking the TimeZone based on what? Let's say i go to another county with another timeZone, would Dexcom return the proper TimeZone?

If my follower is based in UK which is +1, is he get DT+1 and some follower in Swiss is getting DT+2?

Im Asking myself what way to go. Use DT or calculating proper date based on WT and local device TimeZone?

Yeah, that's tricky. I would suspect, but can't confirm, the DT is adjusted to the current location of the Dexcom wearer.

I think both are useful, and depend on the project. The joy of this API is you are free to make the choice, pull whatever and adjust however the json.