
Assessment statement templates

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Assessment EdX statements

EdX has developed its assessment solution with open response assessment. It allows to answer a question with the peer reviewing activity.
In this perspective EdX tracks the following activities:

  • openassessmentblock.get_peer_submission
  • openassessmentblock.get_submission_for_staff_grading
  • openassessmentblock.peer_assess
  • openassessmentblock.self_assess
  • openassessmentblock.staff_assess
  • openassessmentblock.submit_feedback_on_assessments
  • openassessmentblock.create_submission
  • openassessmentblock.save_submission
  • openassessment.student_training_assess_example
  • openassessment.upload_file

From this EdX activity tracking and the Moodle tracking, a first proposal would be to map, in coordination with Moodle assessment activity structure, to general statement templates. For example the answer to a question in an open response assessment is the same action than an quiz response. The specificity of the assessment is an information contained in the context information.

The mapping proposal for EdX event would be the following:

  • openassessmentblock.get_peer_submission --> submitted answer
  • openassessmentblock.get_submission_for_staff_grading --> submitted answer
  • openassessmentblock.peer_assess --> evaluated an assessment
  • openassessmentblock.self_assess --> evaluated an assessment
  • openassessmentblock.staff_assess --> evaluated an assessment
  • openassessmentblock.submit_feedback_on_assessments -->
  • openassessmentblock.create_submission --> initialized an assessment
  • openassessmentblock.save_submission --> saved an assessment/problem
  • openassessment.student_training_assess_example
  • openassessment.upload_file --> uploaded a file (context: assessment)

Problem interaction EdX statements

Problem workflow (level # 1)

  • problem_check --> answered question
  • problem_graded --> submitted answer
  • problem_save --> saved an assessment/problem

Problem workflow (level # 2)

  • problem_rescore
  • problem_reset

To classify

  • edx.problem.hint.demandhint_displayed
  • edx.problem.hint.feedback_displayed
  • problem_check_fail
  • problem_rescore
  • problem_rescore_fail
  • problem_reset
  • problem_show
  • reset_problem
  • reset_problem_fail
  • save_problem_fail
  • save_problem_success
  • showanswer

Transform into a dedicated repo in the current organisation: