
Generative Judge for Evaluating Alignment

Primary LanguagePython

Generative Judge for Evaluating Alignment

This is the official repository for Generative Judge for Evaluating Alignment.


  • Jan 2024: Our paper has been accepted by ICLR 2024! 🎉
  • Dec 2023: We release Autoj-Bilingual-6B that supports both Chinese and English evaluation, along with its test scores and the Chinese translation of original training and test data. You can go to Chinese&English Bilingual Version for a Quick Start.
  • Oct 2023: We release a 4bits quantized version of Auto-J (by GPTQ).
  • Oct 2023: We release the preprint paper on Arxiv, Auto-J's model weights, data for training and three testing tasks, and other useful resources in developing them (scenario definition, hand written criteria, scenario classifier and its data).

Table of contents


We develop Auto-J, a new open-source generative judge that can effectively evaluate different LLMs on how they align to human preference. It is featured with:

  • Generality: Auto-J is trained on data from real-world user queries and responses from various LLMs, covering a wide range of 58 real-world scenarios.
  • Flexibility: Auto-J supports both pairwise response comparison and single-response evaluation by just switching to corresponding prompts.
  • Interpretability: Auto-J provides detailed natural language critiques that enhance the reliability of its evaluation outcomes and facilitate humans’ involvement in the evaluation loop.

Example 1: Compare a pair of responses for a query, with key factors to distinguish them and the final decision.

Example 2: Evaluate a single response for a query, with critiques and an overall rating.

Example 3: Chinese Evaluation


We release the benchmarking results on the pairwise response comparison and critique generation tasks as a leaderboard. See ./codes/leaderboard/README.md for more details.

For pairwise comparison task, the metric is the agreement rate with human preference and consistency rate (not applicable for independent rating methods) when swapping the order of responses. For reward models, we manually search the best threshold for "tie" from 0 to 2.0 in a 0.01 interval. (We slight modify the codes to extract verdicts from the text generation, so the values are slightly different from those in our paper.)

Model Type Generative Agreement Consistency
GPT-4 Pairwise ✔️ 62.28 86.28
Auto-J (Ours) Pairwise ✔️ 54.96 83.41
Moss-RM Single 54.31 -
Auto-J-Bilingual (English) (Ours) Pairwise ✔️ 53.45 81.61
Ziya-RM Single 53.23 -
Beaver-RM Single 52.37 -
OASST-RM Single 51.08 -
Auto-J-Bilingual (Chinese) (Ours) Pairwise ✔️ 49.43 77.23
LLaMA-2-70B-Chat Pairwise ✔️ 46.12 69.90
ChatGPT Pairwise ✔️ 42.74 62.43
Claude-2 Pairwise ✔️ 42.6 63.43
SteamSHP Pairwise ✔️ 40.59 65.59
PandaLM Pairwise ✔️ 39.44 66.88
Vicuna-13B-v1.5 Pairwise ✔️ 39.22 62.07
WizardLM-13B-v1.5 Pairwise ✔️ 36.35 57.69
LLaMA-2-13B-Chat Pairwise ✔️ 29.81 48.56

For critique generation task, the metric is the win-rate against critiques generated by a reference model (ChatGPT) judged by GPT-4.

Model Win Tie Lose
Auto-J (Ours) 73.7 2.2 24.1
Auto-J-Bilingual (Chinese) (Ours) 66.4 0.0 33.6
Auto-J-Bilingual (English) (Ours) 65.5 0.9 33.6
GPT-4 58.2 7.3 34.5
ChatGPT (Reference) 50.0 0.0 50.0
LLaMA-2-13B-Chat 47.0 3.9 49.1
WizardLM-13B-v1.5 38.8 7.7 53.5
Vicuna-13B-v1.5 35.4 7.3 57.3
SelFee 12.9 1.7 85.4

Quick Start


We use python 3.10 in this project. You are encouraged to create a virtual environment through conda.

Then, we have to install all the libraries listed in requirements.txt. Note that you may choose an appropriate version of torch according to your CUDA version (we write torch>=2.0.1+cu118 in this file).

pip install -r requirements.txt


Auto-J is now available on huggingface-hub:

Model Name HF Checkpoint Size License
Auto-J 🤗 GAIR/autoj-13b 13B Llama 2
Auto-J-Bilingual 🤗 GAIR/autoj-bilingual-6b 6B Yi License
  • For Chinese users that cannot access huggingface directly, we provide a modelscope link.


Our implementation is based on vllm-project/vllm. A complete example can be found in codes/example.py.

Step 1: Import necessary libraries

from vllm import LLM, SamplingParams
import torch
from constants_prompt import build_autoj_input # constants_prompt -> codes/constants_prompt.py

Step 2: Load model

num_gpus = torch.cuda.device_count()
model_name_or_dir = "GAIR/autoj-13b" # or the local directory to store the downloaded model
llm = LLM(model=model_name_or_dir, tensor_parallel_size=num_gpus)

Note that num_gpus should be 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 or 128 due to the specific implementation in vllm and our model design. You can control this via CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVISES like CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python ....

Step 3: Set input

You can build the input via the build_autoj_input function for both pairwise response comparison and single response evaluation.

input_pairwise = build_autoj_input(prompt="your query", 
               resp1 = "a response from a LLM",  resp2 = "another response from a LLM", 
               protocol = "pairwise_tie") # for pairwise response comparison 
input_single   = build_autoj_input(prompt="your query", 
               resp1 = "a response from a LLM", resp2=None, 
               protocol = "single") # for single response evaluation 
input_ = input_pairwise # or input_single

Step4: Judgment generation

sampling_params = SamplingParams(temperature=0.0, top_p=1.0, max_tokens=1024)
outputs = llm.generate(input_, sampling_params)
judgment = output[0].outputs[0].text

We also support evaluation in batch, which is more efficient in practice:

# say we have multiple `input_pairwise`s
inputs = [input_pairwise_1, ..., input_pairwise_n]
outputs = llm.generate(inputs, sampling_params)
judgments = [item.outputs[0].text for item in outputs]

(Optional) Step 5: Extract results

Once the generated judgment has been generated, we can extract the evaluation result (comparison result or rating) from it heuristically:

def extract_pariwise_result(raw_output):
    raw_output = raw_output.strip()
    pos = raw_output.rfind('final decision is ')
    pred_label = -1
    if pos != -1:
        pred_rest = raw_output[pos + len('final decision is '):].strip().lower()
        if pred_rest.startswith('response 1'): pred_label = 0
        elif pred_rest.startswith('response 2'): pred_label = 1
        elif pred_rest.startswith('tie'): pred_label = 2
    return pred_label

def extract_single_rating(score_output):
	pred_score = 0.0
    if "Rating: [[" in score_output:
        pos = score_output.rfind("Rating: [[")
        pos2 = score_output.find("]]", pos)
        assert pos != -1 and pos2 != -1
        pred_score = float(score_output[pos + len("Rating: [["):pos2].strip())
    return pred_score

result = extract_pariwise_result(judgment) # `extract_single_rating` for single-response evaluation 


4bits quantized version

We also provide a 4bits quantized version of Auto-J by using AutoGPTQ, which is available on huggingface-hub: https://huggingface.co/GAIR/autoj-13b-GPTQ-4bits.

  • For Chinese users that cannot access huggingface directly, we provide a modelscope link.

To use the 4bits version of Auto-J, you need to install the following packages:

pip install safetensors
pip install transformers>=4.32.0 optimum>=1.12.0
pip install auto-gptq --extra-index-url https://huggingface.github.io/autogptq-index/whl/cu118/  # Use cu117 if on CUDA 11.7

Then you can find an example code in codes/usage/example_gptq4bits.py and use it.

It takes about 8GB VRAM to load this model. Note that the behaviours of the quantized model and the original one might be different.

Chinese&English Bilingual Version

To meet the need of Chinese users, we also provide a bilingual 6B version of Auto-J. It is trained on both the original training data and its Chinese translation. You can find a complete example of bilingual evaluation implementation in codes/usage/example_bilingual.py You can run the bilingual example code as follows:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<GPU_ID>  python example_bilingual.py\	
 -- language "TARGET_LANGUAGE"

You need to replace "TARGET_LANGUAGE" with "Chinese" or "English".

Note that although the current bilingual Auto-J supports convenient and flexible bilingual evaluation, we've found some issues like occasional codeswitch(which means you may see several English words in a Chinese critique) and weakness in mathematical and code ability(such as basic arithmetic abilities). We will keep on improving Auto-J's performance.


Training Data

We provide the data for training Auto-J here, which consists of the pairwise part and the single response part.

Our training data covers a wide range of real-world scenarios, and mostly comes from lmsys/chatbot_arena_conversations · Datasets at Hugging Face (a dataset of real user queries and responses from deployed LLMs).

We also provide the Chinese translation of the original English training data, using GPT-3.5-turbo-1106 as translation engine.

An overview of data construction pipeline is as follows (Please refer to our paper for more details):

Pairwise part

The pairwise part of training data is in data/training/pairwise_traindata.jsonl and data/training/zh_pairwise_traindata.jsonl , which is a reformatted version of GPT-4's raw outputs. It has 3,436 samples, and each line is a python dict with the following format:

Format for pairwise training data
	"usermsg": "You are assessing two submitted responses ...",
	"target_output": "1. The key factors to distinguish these two responses: ...",
	"gt_label": 0/1/2,
	"pred_label": 0/1/2,
	"scenario": "language_polishing",
	"source_dataset": "chatbot_arena"

where the fields are:

  • usermsg: The input text for our model before wrapped with a certain prompt (or template), it contains the query, two responses and the instructions.
  • target_output: The target output in for the given usermsg, which is the judgment to compare the two responses.
  • gt_label: human preference label, 0 means the first response is preferred, 1 means the second and 2 means tie.
  • pred_label: GPT-4 predicted label, with the same meaning as gt_label.
  • scenario: The scenario that the query of this sample belongs to.
  • source_dataset: The dataset the this sample comes from.

Note that for certain scenarios (the exam group) that needs reasoning, we ask the GPT-4 to first give out a independent answer, then give out the judgments.

Single-response part

The single response part of training data is in data/training/single_traindata.jsonl and data/training/zh_single_traindata.jsonl, which is the combination of two independent critiques for a response (with and without scenario criteria as a reference in evaluation). It has 960 samples, and each line is a python dict with the following format:

Format for single-response training data
	"usermsg": "Write critiques for a submitted response on a given user's query, and grade the ...",
	"target_output": "The response provides a detailed and ... Rating: [[5]]",
	"pred_score": "5.0",
	"scenario": "planning",
	"source_dataset": "chatbot_arena"

where the fields are:

  • usermsg: The input text for our model before wrapped with a certain prompt (or template), it contains the query, the response and the instructions.
  • target_output: The target output for the given usermsg, which is the judgment to evaluate the response.
  • pred_score: GPT-4 rating of the response.
  • scenario: The scenario that the query of this sample belongs to.
  • source_dataset: The dataset this sample comes from.

Independent critiques

We also release the two independent critiques in data/training/single_independent/noscenario.jsonl (without scenario criteria) and data/training/single_independent/usescenario.jsonl (with scenario criteria) (refer to our paper for more details). Each line in these two files looks like:

Format for independent critiques before combination
	"output": "The response does not provide a plan for the fifth day of the trip ...",
	"cost": 0.0473,
	"finish_reason": "stop",
		"scenario": "planning",
		"protocol": "single",
		"prompt": "give me a trip plan for 5 days in France",
		"response": "Sure, here's a potential 5-day trip plan for France ...",

where the fields are:

  • output: Raw output given by GPT-4, i.e., the critiques for this response.
  • cost: The cost of this API call.
  • finish_reason: The finish reason for this API call, should be "stop".
  • meta/scenario: The scenario that the query of this sample belongs to.
  • meta/protocol: "single" or "single_reasoning" (For certain scenarios that need reasoning, we ask the GPT-4 to first give out an independent answer, then give out the critiques.)
  • meta/prompt: The query of this sample.
  • meta/response: The response of this sample.

Test Data for Three Tasks

We release the test data for the three meta-evaluation tasks introduced in our paper. The data has a balanced distribution over the 58 real-world scenarios, making it a testbed for validating different evaluators' abilities comprehensively.

We also provide the Chinese translation of the original English test data, using GPT-3.5-turbo-1106 as translation engine.

Pairwise response comparison

We collect $58\times24=1392$ samples for the pairwise response comparison task (24 pairs for each scenario). The data is in data/test/testdata_pairwise.jsonl. Each line of this file is as follows:

	"scenario": "seeking_advice":
	"label": 0,
	"prompt": "What are the best strategies for finding a job after college.",
	"response 1": "Networking is one of the best strategies for finding ...",
	"response 2": "I’m a software program at a company, and I might have ..."

where the fields are:

  • scenario: The scenario that the query of this sample belongs to.
  • label: Human annotation on which response is preferred, 0 means the first, 1 means the second, and 2 means tie.
  • prompt: The query of this sample.
  • response 1 and response 2: The two responses for this query.

Critique generation

Based on the data of pairwise response comparison, we construct the data for the critique generation task. Specifically, we sample 4 out of the 24 samples for each scenario ($58\times4=232$ samples in total), and pick the less preferred response to be criticized. We also provide the critiques by Auto-J. The data is in data/test/testdata_critique.jsonl. Each line of this file is as follows:

	"prompt":"Product Name: Flow GPT ...",
	"response":"Attention: Are you tired of spending hours drafting emails ...",
		"autoj":"The response provided a decent attempt at crafting an AIDA ..."

where the fields are:

  • scenario: The scenario that the query of this sample belongs to.
  • prompt: The query of this sample.
  • response: The response for this query.
  • critiques/autoj: The critiques (with overall rating) by Auto-J for evaluating the response.

Best-of-N selection

Based on the data for critique generation task, we construct the data for critique generation task. Specifically, we sample 2 out of the 4 queries for each scenario ($58\times2=116$ samples in total). For each query, we use a base model to generate 32 responses through uniform sampling.

In our paper we adopt two base models, Vicuna-7B-v1.5 and LLaMA-7B-chat, to generate these responses. The data is in data/test/testdata_selection.jsonl, and we also provide the rating for each response by Auto-J in this file. Each line of this file is as follows:

	"prompt":"Create a lesson plan that integrates drama ...",
			"outputs": ["Sure, here's a lesson plan ...", "Lesson Title: \"The Opium Wars ...", ...],
			"logprobs": [-217.40, -226.61, -229.21, ...],
			"finish_reasons":["stop", "stop", ...],
				"autoj":[6.0, 6.0, 6.0, ...]

where the fields are:

  • scenario: The scenario that the query of this sample belongs to.
  • prompt: The query of this sample.
  • outputs/llama-2-7b-chat/outputs: 32 responses generated by LLaMA-2-7B-chat.
  • outputs/llama-2-7b-chat/logprobs: The log probability for each generated responses.
  • outputs/llama-2-7b-chat/finish_reasons: The finish reason for each generated responses.
  • outputs/llama-2-7b-chat/id: Index for this sample.
  • outputs/llama-2-7b-chat/scores/autoj: The rating for each response given by Auto-J.
  • outputs/vicuna-7b-v1.5 is the same as above.

Other Resources


One major part of data construction is the definition of different scenarios and hand-written criteria for each of them to guide the evaluation.


The definition of each scenario can be found in other_resources/constants.py.


We manually design criteria for each scenario to guide GPT-4 to generate more comprehensive judgments.

These criteria can be found in other_resources/scenario_criteria/specials. The set of criteria for a scenario is organized as a yaml file (the following is the criteria for planning scenario), where each criterion consists of the name, description, weight (aborted), and type (basic, content, format or style):

The complete criteria for "planning" scenario.
  !include "./shared/configs/scenarios/basics/basic_writing.yaml"

    content: The written plan should clearly outline the objectives, tasks, and timeline of the event or activity, ensuring that the reader can easily understand the proposed plan.
    weight: 5
    type: content
    content: The written plan should propose realistic and achievable steps and actions, considering available resources, constraints, and logistical factors.
    weight: 4
    type: content
    content: The written plan should demonstrate creative thinking and innovative ideas in organizing and executing the event or activity, providing unique and engaging elements.
    weight: 3
    type: content
    content: The written plan should cover all essential aspects and details of the event or activity, like logistics, budget, promotion, and participant engagement.
    weight: 3
    type: content
    content: The written plan should be well-structured, with a logical flow of ideas and clearly defined sections or headings for different components of the plan.
    weight: 4
    type: format
    content: The written plan is encouraged to use headings, bullet points, lists, tables, or other devices to enhance readability and coherence.
    weight: 5
    type: format

where basic-writing is the basic and general criteria (they may be inherited by multiple scenarios):

The complete criteria for "basic-writing" scenario.
completeness of instruction following:
  content: For all key instructions (e.g., answer multiple questions or perform multiple tasks) and explicit constraints (e.g. word count, response length limit, word usage, output format, etc.) provided by the user, the response should be complete in the following all of them without any omission.
  weight: 4
  type: basic
  content: All contents provided or mentioned in the response should be accurate and correct. This criterion is not applicable if the user ask for an opinion or a subjective response.
  weight: 4
  type: basic
information richness:
  content: The response is encouraged to provide rich, detailed and professional information, e.g. by providing examples, explanations, citations, and additional information. This criterion is not applicable if the user asks for a short or direct answer without additional information.
  weight: 4
  type: basic
  content: The response should be devoid of offensive, insulting, or inappropriate content and should strictly avoid any form of discrimination, including but not limited to racial, gender, age, sexual orientation, religious, disability, socioeconomic status, cultural or ethnic, and language-based discrimination.
  weight: 3
  type: basic
text quality:
  content: The response should be grammatically correct, free of spelling errors or typos, use punctuation marks properly and consistently. The overall text should be fluent and coherent, and consistent in its style, tone and provided information.
  weight: 4
  type: basic
user intention inference:
  content: If the user's intention is not clearly expressed by the query, the response should provide some relevant information, do some reasonable inference and ask more information for clarification. This criterion is not applicable if the user's intention is clearly expressed by the query.
  weight: 3
  type: basic

More basic criteria (like the basic criteria for coding, exam, etc.) can be found in other_resources/scenario_criteria/basics.

The yaml files can be loaded as follows (execute under ./):

import yaml
from yamlinclude import YamlIncludeConstructor

def read_yaml(yaml_file_path):
    with open(yaml_file_path, 'r') as f:
        data = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
    return data

yaml_content = read_yaml("./other_resources/scenario_criteria/specials/analyzing_general.yaml")

Scenario Classifier

We release the scenario classifier and corresponding data.


The scenario classifier is now available on huggingface hub.

Model Name HF Checkpoints Size License
Scenario Classifier 🤗 GAIR/autoj-scenario-classifier 13B Llama 2

How to use

By using the following prompt, the scenario classifier can identify which scenario a query belongs to:

PROMPT_INPUT_FOR_SCENARIO_CLS: str = "Identify the scenario for the user's query, output 'default' if you are uncertain.\nQuery:\n{input}\nScenario:\n"

Here is an example (using vllm like Auto-J usage):

from vllm import LLM, SamplingParams
import torch

num_gpus = torch.cuda.device_count()
model_name_or_dir = "GAIR/autoj-scenario-classifier" # or the local directory to store the downloaded model
llm = LLM(model=model_name_or_dir, tensor_parallel_size=num_gpus)

query = "generate a function that returns an array of even values in the Fibonacci series."
input_ = PROMPT_INPUT_FOR_SCENARIO_CLS.format(input=query)

sampling_params = SamplingParams(temperature=0.0, top_p=1.0, max_tokens=30)
outputs = llm.generate(input_, sampling_params)
scenario = output[0].outputs[0].text

print(scenario) # should be `code_generation`.


We release the involved data in training and testing the scenario classifier.

The training data is in other_resources/scenario_classifier_data/traindata.jsonl. The format is as follows:

	"category": "writing_job_application", 
	"instruction": "Write me a cover letter to a Deloitte consulting firm ...", 
	"input": "" # may be empty

The complete query is instruction+" "+input, and category stands for the scenario of this query.

The test data is in other_resources/scenario_classifier_data/testdata.jsonl with a similar format as the training data.


Please cite the repo or the paper if the model/code/resource/conclusion in this repo is helpful to you.

  title={Generative Judge for Evaluating Alignment},
  author={Li, Junlong and Sun, Shichao and Yuan, Weizhe and Fan, Run-Ze and Zhao, Hai and Liu, Pengfei},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.05470},


We thank Shanghai AI Lab for providing the computing resources.

We thank Yuan Guo for training and releasing a bilingual version of Auto-J-6B.

We thank Chunpu Xu and Yuqing Yang for supporting the human annotation process.

This repository is based on PKU-Alignment/safe-rlhf (training) and vllm-project/vllm (usage), we also thank their contribution to the community.