
how to visualize the final result?

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how to visiulize the predicted result?

The visiulize code(demo part) has been updated.

    assert masks.shape[-1] == masks.shape[-2], "Only square mask predictions are supported"
AssertionError: Only square mask predictions are supported

Got this error when runing the demo

This file( in detectron2) needs to be replaced.

First replace the original detectron2 installed with the file.

This is due to Detectron2's only supports square mask prediction, This issue has been modified in the provided file.

@gakkiri May I ask why do u trim the person class in training? From your trained model provided can not see person detected.

Initially, this was a bug here
That's when I used .gt(0), causing Person to be ignored, and other categories are well trained.
After I fixed the problem and found low performance, I thought maybe I was missing something.

@gakkiri So did u trained on full classes and found low performance? some biasis with the index cls id?

No, all categories of AP are not high(about 10+-), but the losses converged to a good level.
I think maybe the problem is somewhere else.
Although at that time my gpu server suddenly down caused me not to be able to get the best weight.

BTW, It works well when there's no Person, and that's what surprises me.