
ethers-rs is deprecated

DaniPopes opened this issue ยท 15 comments

ethers-rs is in the process of being deprecated in favor of Alloy and Foundry.

See also the new examples at alloy-rs/examples.

feel alloy is still missing many things so I didn't understand why do we need to deprecate ethers-rs now.

whats a rough timeline for this?

This issue is meant to communicate where each new package will live. Still no action needed. It just means we'll be de-prioritizing new feature reqs/redirecting to the new repos. Bugfixes for crits will be provided. Support will be provided as usual in the chat.

I think it's a bit premature for deprecation, what's the reason for moving to alloy?

apis will be the same? , how easy to port?

feel alloy is still missing many things so I didn't understand why do we need to deprecate ethers-rs now.

The deprecation notice is great. The sooner the better, in fact, so that users know what to expect.

I think it's a bit premature for deprecation, what's the reason for moving to alloy?

It seems like the reasons are outlined here.

Hi folks -- I communicated some more context here: Ethers-rs is still stable and great and I wouldn't worry about it until we recommend people to start switching. And I assume the ones that are using revm etc. are experienced enough that can get over the hurdle of the current alloy transition cost, given the upside from integrating with bleeding edge low-level unreleased libraries!

Happy to incorporate more feedback here, but we're basically in "light maintenance" mode and are not pushing for new features in ethers. We will still fix/backport crits and user disrupting things until alloy is ready.

Hey @gakonst! Thank you for the deprecation notice and additional explanations.

What I still don't understand is the practical implications of the transition. Particularly: we're still hoping to fix #2588 as well as relevant issues with forge flatten command (that depends on ethers-rs) in order to complete migration from dapp tools. If we will submit a PR for #2588 in the next month, can we expect you to review and merge it?

Forge has been ported to use, so please put your fix there, that should work?

Here's more context on the migration

if I start a new project, should I use this library, or should I use Alloy ?

Hello ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿผ
if I start a new project, should I use this library, or should I use Alloy ?

Updates on the timeline for deprecation?

As a completely independent commenter, I'd share that I personally moved to alloy a while ago. I did note a few bugs, yet nothing irreconcilable, and I'm happy with the progress on the issues I opened.

If you're able to adopt a git dependency, I'd personally recommend moving forward with alloy.

With the release of alloy 0.1 we're finally done! Alloy is feature complete and we encourage everyone to move over.