
Bug: infinitely pending tx

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Block production stops during a pending tx, block production restarts but tx infinitely pending


  • processing a "remove liquidity" transaction
  • transaction pending
  • green light changes to amber and then red whilst transaction is pending (block production has stopped)
  • RPC is rebooted to re-engage block production
  • transaction still pending up to and including the end of time


Expected Behavior

once block production restarts, I would expect my transaction to complete or fail

Actual Behavior

infinitely pending

Possible Fix

Steps to Reproduce


Your Environment

  • Toolchain versions:
  • Version used:
  • System type:
  • Operating System and version:
  • System specs:

@lolmcshizz Can you provide more info ? I am not able to reproduce it.
Latest block: 491956
Version: f828d8b

After discussion with @lolmcshizz closing this issue.