
Add to translation

Closed this issue · 3 comments

In file strings_plans.xml should be add string to value devices from 2 to 4(to translation):

<string name="title_plans">Plans</string>
<plurals name="devices">
    <item quantity="one">%1d device</item>
    <item quantity="2-4">%1d devices</item>
    <item quantity="other">%1d devices</item>

Polish translation:

<string name="title_plans">Plans</string>
<plurals name="devices">
    <item quantity="one">%1d urządzenie</item>
    <item quantity="2-4">%1d urządzenia</item>
    <item quantity="other">%1d urządzeń</item>

2-4 is not possible.
I think we should change the text to:
Devices: 1

instead of:
1 device
2 devices
4 devices

OK no problem.

But i know that in Android it is possible. I use project TVHClient and developer this app include translation for One program , 2-4 programs and more programs...

Looks on translation Polish:

Think we can close this issue