
error XA2002: Can not resolve reference: `AsyncAwaitBestPractices`

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Are you aware of this? Is it intentional or a mistake?

error XA2002: Can not resolve reference: AsyncAwaitBestPractices, referenced by Xam.Shell.Badge.Android. Please add a NuGet package or assembly reference for AsyncAwaitBestPractices, or remove the reference to Xam.Shell.Badge.Android.

Hello, @jtorvald , i'm not sure this should be the problem since AsyncAwaitBestPractices is a .NET Standard library, thus should be compatible with android and iOS projects... Anyway, this issue was a good base for me to re-visit Nuget dependencies and clean them up. Changes are available with the PR #30.

It's not that it didn't get added from the dependencies after instating the package. Thanks for the quick follow up