
Improve how hub links are labeled at Galaxy Help

Opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi all!

I'd like to improve how hub links are labeled when they display as cross links into the Galaxy Help forum.

This is an example topic at Galaxy help where someone out in the wild happened to have a question about tool use locally, and we have that tool in Galaxy! An excellent opportunity to bridge someone into using Galaxy :)

Unfortunately, I was only able to post the URL to the very top of the site and have it display as just the URL.

So .. I envision a few improvements, and this is just a starter list. At a minimum let's at least do the first since it seems easy.

  1. Improve link resolution for key areas, or at least the top level. We've done this for the GTN
  2. Expand into standardize md content display for different introduction use cases when a Q comes up
  3. Entry via an existing video?
  4. Create a stand-alone static page at the Hub, similar to these guides under the Resources category I might make one as a draft in the meanwhile, and we can tune it up.
  5. Standardize graphics display across these entry points. This is probably possible now but I'm not sure where those graphics live in the repo or if they will display correctly in the Hub using the defaults. SOS for this please...

If there is interest, I can join a hub working group meeting to get this started, grant moderation to the people involved, etc.

Please adjust the tags I added to this since I just guessed!
