
Report from iframe component not showing details (rel 2.4)

pcieslak opened this issue ยท 13 comments

Before 2.4, all errors from component in iframe were shown on the report.
Currently there is only summary info on issues#...

Can it be fixed to work as on ver < 2.4 ?

Looks like a bug in 2.4.0. Will pick it up

Any update on this?

I am currently working on it but it appeared a bit more complicated than I thought. Might take some time since I totally overlooked sublayouts in components specs.

I have released a fix in v 2.4.2. Could you please check it?

Thank you!
Looks fine - after quick check. If anything will be wrong - will reply by end of this week.

after some time of usage, I found a case when it is not working. When component partially fails/partially passes. See screenshot

@pcieslak Strange, looks like the spec "centered all inside asyncButton 12px" is not rendered in the report at all. I will try to reproduce it.

@ishubin - it looks like it is not showing rules result.

@pcieslak I tried to reproduce but for me it did work correctly

screen shot 2019-02-11 at 21 13 49

Here is the sample project I used for reproducing the issue

Ok. Issue is reproducible, when rule failed. I've just updated frame.gspec and run your project against it.

    header      h3
    link        a

@rule %{name} should be clickable
        height 2 to 50px

@rule above link should be %{from} to %{to}
        above link ${from} to ${to}px

= Inside frame test =
        | above link should be 5 to 10
        height 2 to 45px

    | header should be clickable

Here is the output:

Thanks for reporting it @ZeleniiZmey I actually missed those completely in the new report implementation. I have pushed and released a fix in 2.4.3

It is ok now. Looks like we can close the issue. Many thanks.