
Make the site responsive

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I would like to volounteer to make some changes to the site to improve display on phones and other smaller devices.

I am creating this as an issue so I can gauge interest at getting this done. @galenmaly are you still accepting pull requests?

Hey there, thanks for your interest in contributing!

To be honest the project isn't in the greatest state right now. I'm not accepting any PRs against the current master branch and there's a rewrite in the vue branch that is 100% feature complete but in need of some thorough testing before release, and I simply haven't gotten around to that testing (and it's been several months).

If we can get the rewrite out the door I'd love to get a mobile version going!

happy to help with this if now that Vue has landed this can become a priority again.

i would love to help with the mobile UI development